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So, you've got a teen who wants to go to college...

But you don't want to pay for it with loans, right?

Let's get real about college for a minute!

My parents friends...

  • Your child should wait until senior year of high school to start preparing for college
  • If they don't get scholarships, financial aid will cover everything
  • College is easy and inexpensive
  • Your family should start preparing for college no later than 9th grade (we've got a lot to do)
  • You have to qualify for financial aid, and IF you get it, the maximum amount awarded is less than $6,500 per year, totaling $26,000 for 4 years
  • College costs an average of $20,000 per year, totaling over $80,000 for 4 years
  • The average graduation rate is now 4 - 6 years
  • With maximum financial aid, you will still owe at least $54,000 for 4 years (and up to $81,000 for 6 years) - for a low cost college
  • Even if they get good grades and win a merit scholarship, that amount stays the same every year, but the cost of attendance rises every year - leaving you with an unpaid balance each.and.every.semester!

Stop trying to piece together tidbits of info from Google and what you saw that other mom do with her high schooler.

Stop trying to piece together tidbits from Google and what you saw that other mom do with her high schooler.

​Wheeeew chile, I see you.

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